This is the ProtoCity – Conference/Exhibition – Updater
Every once in a while, you will find an overview of the most interesting upcoming urban studies-conferences or exhibitions around the world to keep us and our readers up-to-date in recent discourses and of course to develop professional networks around the globe. Besides a short description of the topic and the content, a link to the venue’s homepage will be provided for further information on anything related to the location such as fees, accommodation and the detailed program. When selecting the conferences, we will try to include a wide spectrum of urban studies- related conferences.
International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam: MAKING CITY (starting on 28.April 2012, Rotterdam)
This years’ IABR: Making City revolves around the challenges rising due to the rapid urbanization of today’s global society trying to provide best practice examples on the future of cities. 35 projects from more than 20 different cities around the world are presented, which are dealing with urban challenges in different ways, often beside traditional solutions. The biennale wants to ‘examine the relation between planning, design and politics’, as they say on their webpage (IABR: Making City, accessed on 3.4.2012). In a variety of exhibitions, workshops and even in cooperation with a TV station, the organizers of the IABR will keep their visitors happy, especially students as they get a nice discount!
Community Spaces: Conception – Appropriation – Identity Network 45plus: Post-War Architecture in Europe (7- 8 September 2012, Darmstadt, Germany)
Conference webpage: not yet available, info and program accessible online here
This conference is hosted by the Network 45plus: Post-War Architecture in Europe at the TU Darmstadt. Its focus is on the large modernistic housing estates that were developed in Europe to mitigate post-war housing shortages, but as well to implement the tenets of modernism on the society. The newly built housing estates were designed to be home to a new society, which was intended to commonly use spaces: the community spaces. The conference tries to elaborate on the question if the inhabitants are identifying and interpreting those spaces the same way the planners and architects intended them to do, and how current interpretations and uses can be understood as part of the redevelopment process of large housing estates. Although the main theme of the conference sounds architectural and design-related, the organizers stress the importance of interdisciplinary and are inviting scholars from disciplines like sociology, history and political science to contribute to the conference. Unfortunately, a detailed program webpage is not available yet, a detailed description of the program can be accessed here.
Eura2012- Conference (20.- 22.September 2012, Vienna, Austria)
Conference webpage:
Conference flyer:
The European Urban Research Association (EURA) organizes together with the Vienna University of Technology a conference on the topic: ‘Urban Europe- Challenges to Meet the Urban Future’. The program of the conference builds up on a critique of the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) ‘Urban Europe’ thus calling for a more interdisciplinary approach towards the urban challenges of European cities. Besides a critical discussion of this program, the conference focuses on urban governance, innovation and cities, and city competition in several tracks. The lecture series is complemented by mobile workshops on the last day; a detailed program on those excursions is not yet available as the paper selection is not yet finished (call for papers is closed though), so stay tuned on the conference’s homepage for more info about that conference!